coming to life!
I cannot even start describing the feelings I felt when I saw @America Ferrera appear on the Late Night with Seth Meyers in this beautiful dress that I designed. This chic yet edgy collection from Thomas Wylde Pre-Spring 2016, embrace America Ferrera’s strong personality and the femininity to the women in society. This fitted, long sleeve, above the knee dress, in our signature silk cotton suiting fabric with subtle embellishments provide a sense of sophistication and elegance. I feel the excitement radiating through my body from head to toe. I feel like jumping up and down on my bed. I feel like.. having the opportunity to showcase my design to the public is very meaningful, especially when I’m just a fresh designer out of college.
Inspirations come to me in many ways. I can be inspired from touching fabrics, viewing paintings, doodling, scrolling down on social media, or even seeing a cute outfit on a stranger. I would FREELY draw down partial ideas with pencil on blank paper. Freely, to me means an overall silhouette, a shape of the neckline, or just some detail I saw that one time passing by a small shop. I don’t think too much on how to make it affordable, or how to construct it. With no limitations — I just draw.
Draping is another exciting part of the design process. I remember one of my draping professors in college asked us to drape whatever we felt like at the moment. We could use any available fabric- soft and drapery or even suiting fabric. Neither critique nor grading would be involved. At the end of the class, I saw a lot of interesting (crazy) yet beautiful drapes! Working in the fashion industry, a good designer needs to think creatively, but also logically (construction and fabric) as well, and often both at the same time.
When I see the finished garment (TOP) and consider all the work that we put in for a collection - including sketching/re-sketching, draping/re-draping, communicating with overseas factories, working with development/production, working with tech designer, etc. — it all becomes worth it. See America Ferrera wear my hard work on television! Tap the link to see America Ferrera on Late Night with Seth Meyers.