i’m engaged!

I moved to California from Taiwan when I was 18, while Joseph was born and raised in California. We lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same high school — yet we remained strangers. Five years later, I moved again, this time to New York City to pursue my dreams in design. Joseph was still in California finishing up his doctoral program. Following graduation, Joseph moves to the east coast for a career opportunity and we finally meet!! We hit it off after the first date and we were inseparable ever since. Three year later, I am visiting my family in Taiwan. Unknown to me, Joseph also travels to Taiwan in order to surprise me (WHAT!). With the help of some friends and family, I am tricked into going up to a rooftop garden. He comes out, gets down on one knee, and the rest is history.

“There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.”




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